Oud Kampen little cigars are produced by the Dutch cigar manufacturer that produces machine-made short filler cigars and cigarillos. Sumatran sand leaves are used as cover sheets. Sand leaves in this case are light-colored bracts that have grown at the base of the plant. The Oud Kampen little cigars offer the smoker both optically and tastefully beautiful and rounded enjoyment through a perfect coordination and selection of the tobacco used.
In 1977 the Oud Kampen factory was founded in the Dutch town of Kampen. Since then, the Oud Kampen little cigars brand has enjoyed the highest reputation worldwide. Sumatra and Java tobacco are refined with Havana and Brazil for the Oud Kampen Sum Cum Laude Panatella. Best Sumatran Deli sand sheets are used as wrapper sheets. This composition offers the connoisseur a gently spicy pleasure. The art of mixing fine Sumatra and Java tobacco with other leaf material such as Havana or Brazil has been passed on through generations.
Oud Kampen little cigars series is characterized by the highest quality of raw tobacco and the greatest care in the craftsmanship. It offers the connoisseur a very tasty and pleasantly spicy smoking pleasure. It’s so easy to buy and test Oud Kampen little cigars: In our cigar shop you will find our current selection of Oud Kampen little cigars. The art of mixing fine Sumatra and Java tobacco with other leaf material such as Havana or Brazil has been passed on through generations. Oud Kampen little cigars series is characterized by the highest quality of raw tobacco and the greatest care in the craftsmanship. It offers the connoisseur a very tasty and pleasantly spicy smoking pleasure.
Oud Kampen little cigars brand is the market leader in the field of short fillers in the Netherlands. Oud kampen was founded in 1977 and the Oud Kampen little cigars in particular quickly enjoyed great popularity. Tobacco from Indonesia, Havana and Brazil are processed. The resulting mixtures in the most varied of mixtures are all of medium to high strength.