Davidoff little cigars are made from 100% premium and natural tobacco from the Caribbean, Indonesia, Sumatra, Java and Brazil. The formats should be kept in a suitable humid climate so that they can develop their special taste and spicy aroma optimally. The first Davidoff little cigar was created over 40 years ago – today the first-class little cigars from the Dominican brand are the most famous in the world.
Ultimately, this is not only because Davidoff ensures consistently high quality, but also for little cigars, similar to cigars, that use whole tobacco leaves in the insert and in the binder. Only the best Sumatra cover sheets are selected and processed as cover sheets especially for Davidoff little cigars. The small formats also convince with full-bodied aromas and a pleasant flavor in the taste. We recommend a maximum humidity of 60-65%, so that the fine-tuned mixtures can develop their aromas optimally. From the popular mini cigarillos to the long panatellas, Davidoff offers shorter or longer smoking pleasure for cigarillo friends.
Lovers of medium-strong cigars who only have a short smoke time like to use the proven quality of Davidoff. Davidoff offers a wide variety of flavors for high-quality smoking pleasure, similar to cigars. Do you prefer to enjoy mild and fine flavors with an espresso in the afternoon or do you prefer a spicy and full-bodied break with wine or whiskey in the evening? Every tobacco lover will also find a diverse selection of Davidoff premium cigarillos in our range, in packaging units of 5 to 20 pieces or the box of 50 pieces each. With your favorite cigarillo in a case, you are flexible on the go and well equipped for a quick smoke.
Smoking Davidoff little cigars is no different from smoking a cigar. Inhalation should not be used for optimal enjoyment. It is enough to absorb the smoke in the oral cavity to give the taste buds of the tongue the opportunity to grasp all the tobacco flavors in their intensity. The strength and course of a blend can only develop optimally in the nose and throat area. After all, the focus is on the aromatic and intense enjoyment experience as well as on cigar smoking.