King Edward little cigars are a type of cigar that owes its appearance to the outstanding figure in England, a reformer and a man with his own worldview and approach to the whole system, King Edward VII. He changed the existing foundations and turned cigar smoking into a real panacea. He opened the boundaries in this niche. And most smokers appreciate it till now. Our past creates the present in smoking niche.
The story is as follows – Edward VII – the king of Great Britain, Ireland and India, who ruled at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, smoking was prestigious: literally all men were happy to light a pipe, cigars or cigarillos, but the mores and etiquette of that time interfered with pleasure. So, men were forbidden to smoke in public places, in the presence of ladies and children. But Edward changed this order of things – already on the day of his coronation, he allowed men to smoke. For this, a brand of cigars was later named after Edward.
King Edward little cigars with Sweet Cherry taste will catch your attention with their top quality and accessible price. They are sophisticated for their format, aroma and taste. Juicy cherries are the essential note, which so successfully twine together with original tobacco flavors, creating an explosive mixture. Low strength content is responsible for a pleasant taste and good aftertaste. You can add a wooden mouthpiece, and that gives the whole smoking process so elegant and sweet. Do not miss this good suggestion; it is oriented on those smokers who like medium format cigars for short but rich smoking.
Affordable prices attract the eye of smokers to online cigar stores. The same product costs many times more offline, while it can be found on online sites for quite reasonable money. Online shopping in this regard is very, very profitable. Consumers are attracted by sales, which are periodically arranged by online stores. They allow customers to save money significantly. Some brands can be bought with significant discounts from the cost that was originally set for the product.