Djarum (pronounced as “Ja-rum”) is a brand of original little cigars, which is well-known for its exceptional taste and recognized for impeccable quality. Each Djarum little cigar is made from a special combination of perennial tobacco with notes of exotic spices and spicy cloves. This unique taste was created in 1880 in a small town called Kudus.
Since its introduction in the capital, Creteca, the Djarum brand has continued to give true connoisseurs the aroma of exquisite clove cigars. Only Djarum creates so many distinct, intriguing aromas and flavors, each of which is specially created to suit your mood.
Djarum is a natural organic cigar, the production of which completely eliminates the chemical effect on tobacco or the addition of any impurities, preservatives, reagents and flavorings (which is common practice in the manufacture of any other cigarettes). Djarum Classic arrives in a delicate pack and contains multiple times more tobacco, and gauges in excess of an ordinary cigarette.
The key segments of Djarum little cigars are cloves and common flavor sauce. These cigarettes are a well known brand of kretek (in any event 1/3 loaded up with clove petals). 66% of the elements of the sauce mollify the sharpness of cloves and the flavor of tobacco.
Kretek is altogether different from different sorts of smoking tobacco. The principle contrast is in taste: the wealth and creativity of a blend of herbs, flavors and natural product gives a profound fiery and sweetish taste of the kretek, in contrast to every other sort of cigars.
The structure of Djarum little cigars
- A blend of Indonesian tobacco (kretek can contain in excess of twenty distinct sorts of tobacco).
- Carnations (the carnation is the “heart of the kretek”, similar to the “heart of Indonesia” – the nation that creates the carnation for the entire world. The carnation is the fragrant bloom buds of the evergreen tropical plant SyzgiumAromaticum).
- An uncommon “sauce” (the formula of which is held under the strictest mystery and contains a blend of flavors, herbs, flavors and natural product characters. Altogether, kretek cigarettes utilize in excess of a hundred unique fixings to make a “sauce”).