Amigos little cigars are made from natural tobacco grown in Latin America and Indonesia. Unlike a number of other brands, Amigos little cigars are made from a natural wrapper leaf to preserve their natural rich aroma.
The tobacco bag consists of Brazilian tobacco of the Mata Fina variety, Indonesian Java, as well as Colombian, Italian, Nicaraguan, Dominican tobaccos. Hence, there are many options and flavors.
The tobacco for Belgian cigars comes from the Dominican Republic, the rest of the Caribbean, Bahia in Brazil and the Indonesian island of Java. The unusual light color and firmness of these tobacco leaves make them particularly suitable as a fine wrapper for cigarillos and cigars from Belgium. Most of the cigars are made in Belgium. Depending on the brand, components for the Belgian short filler such as the cover or binder may have been preprocessed abroad.
For example, J. Cortes has his tobacco leaves in Sri Lanka dried using a special method and cut into the required shape. However, the tobacco mixture for the filler is combined and cut in Belgium, and here the cigar or cigarillo is also rolled, packaged and sold all over the world.Belgian Amigos cigarillos are produced by the world famous J.Cortes Cigars, which produces premium tobacco products presented in more than 80 countries around the world. Amigos little cigars are made from natural tobacco in Indonesia and Latin America, and natural tobacco is also used as a wrapper.
Amigos little cigars are smoking sticks that contain a whole leaf of tobacco on the outside and cut tobacco on the inside. Amigos little cigars taste closer to cigars, but contain more nicotine. But in appearance, they more resemble ordinary cigarettes, they are produced with a filter and packed in packs. Amigos little cigars do not contain additives that keep cigarettes smoldering and therefore may be flavored. Preference for this type of tobacco products is given by both the female and male gender, it all depends on the added flavors and strength of amigos cigarillos. In our special online store, you can not only buy Amigos little cigars at an affordable price, but also get competent advice on the product.