Fragrant Havanas little cigars (Aroma De Habana), created by the best tobacco artisans from rare varieties of tobacco grown on the Dominican plantations.
The Havanas little cigars are made from shredded rather than whole tobacco leaves, which makes it possible to combine up to 25 separate types of tobacco in each cigarillo. And the added fruit syrups create especially expressive aromas of fresh fruit. The ultra-thin wrapper made of the pressed tiny crumbs of tobacco leaves burns slowly and evenly, without adding any foreign odors or flavors. The intertwining of the mild taste and sweetish astringency of the tobacco gives the cigarillo that exceptional aroma that is so appreciated by cigar aficionados.
Havanas little cigars allow you to enjoy quality tobacco at affordable prices. Several varieties of shredded tobacco provide a rich flavor. The softness of the Cuban and the sweetish astringency of the Dominican create a unique bouquet that experienced smokers appreciate so much. Natural aromatic additives in the form of various syrups give it a special expressiveness. The cover leaf is made from natural tobacco leaf by pressing. It does not interrupt the main aroma, smolders slowly and evenly.
TYPES OF Havanas little cigars
In the online store, Havanas little cigars can be bought individually, in tubes, and in cigarette cases of 10 pieces. The catalog contains several types.
Diplomatico has a pleasant aftertaste with hints of fruit and nuts.
Cube has a medium strength. The spicy taste gradually takes on a hint of vintage port.
Irish Coffee. These filter cigarillos have the aroma of Irish whiskey and freshly brewed coffee.
Grape is characterized by a pronounced taste of ripe grapes.
Classico’s with a filter and a low strength give a light cigar aroma with a touch of espresso.
Cherry will let you enjoy the pronounced cherry scent.
The prices for cigarillos in our online store are quite affordable, so avid smokers try to pamper themselves with several favorite brands at once. For wholesale buyers, all items will be cheaper. Our managers are real connoisseurs and connoisseurs of good tobacco. They will be happy to share their knowledge and impressions of cigars and cigarillos, and help make a choice. We are waiting for your calls and orders!