The skill of experienced blender specialists guarantees the superior taste and distinctive aroma of Henri Wintermans little cigars. The ability to create the desired “bouquet” from all the various aromas and tastes is the real criterion for evaluating the skill of tobacco experts.
Tobaccos from Indonesia are used in all three Henri Wintermans little cigars.
Henri Wintermans little cigars are given a distinctive aroma and appearance. Cuban tobaccos give the filler a richer and more spicy aroma, enhancing the pleasure of Henri Wintermans little cigars. Tobacco from the Dominican Republic, due to its softness, is an ideal ingredient for filler. Specific dark brown Brazilian tobacco gives the cigar a distinctive character and rich aroma.
Henri Wintermans little cigars – Slims
As part of these Henri Wintermans little cigars, Cuban tobacco, with its mild taste, is interwoven with the bright aroma of Indonesian tobacco from the island of Java and the sweet tartness of a dark Brazilian cover sheet.
Henri Wintermans little cigars – Miniatures
The stylish, sophisticated Miniatures Henri Wintermans little cigars have a mild flavor and light floral spicy finish. They are a skillful combination of sweet-nut Dominican tobacco with moderately spicy tart tobacco of the Indonesian island of Java. The Brazilian dark brown cover sheet gives these cigarillos an extra flavor and special elegance that is always valued in good company.
Henri Wintermans little cigars – Half Corona
Henri Wintermans little cigars with a mild seasoned taste and balanced aroma with hints of coffee and cream. In their composition, there is Cuban tobacco, with its mild taste, is interwoven with the bright aroma of Indonesian tobacco from the island of Java and the sweet tartness of a dark Brazilian casing. Are ideal for smoking after a good lunch or dinner.
Henri Wintermans little cigars are 100% natural tobacco, which undergoes a unique double-ripening process. First, the best varieties of tobacco are harvested, they are allowed to mature for at least two years. Then the best quality leaves are selected for the manufacture of a mixture of tobaccos. After that, the cigars themselves go through the second ripening process in cedar rooms specially designed for this purpose. This unique process provides that soft, full of aroma character that distinguishes cool smoking