The persons who want to have refreshing tobacco items come to our online store and purchase Wrangler little cigars. These are refreshing cigars, which have…
Santa Fe little cigars with Honduran tobaccos
Santa Fe little cigars are pretty valuable, rich cigars from Nicaragua, which “ingredients” all come from Honduras. The long filler has a length of 12.38cm,…
Cherokee little cigars are premium and quality items
Premium Cherokee little cigars are the perfect gift for the discerning aficionado or novice cigar smoker. Medium-strength cigars, perfectly balanced with an intense Claro wrapper.…
Davidoff little cigars give a new impetus
Davidoff little cigars are legendary Dominican cigars. The appearance of this brand gave a new impetus to the development of production in the Dominican Republic.…
The productions of J. Cortes little cigars
The Belgian company J. Cortes Cigars was founded in 1926. The founder of the company, Maurits Vandermarliere, decided from the very beginning to specialize in…
Montecristo little cigars are ancestors of the most famous brands
The Montecristo little cigars brand appeared in 1934 as one of the varieties of H. Upmann cigars, but was later separated into a separate brand.…
Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars are an aroma trademark
Some manufacturers of tobacco products were taught the elementary things of the handicraft at an early age. So it was with the head behind the…
Wild Hemp little cigars from an experienced web shop
Our online shop has been running the first and leading online shop with the largest range of cigars since it was founded. Thanks to permanent…
Chief Stix Hemp little cigars to smoke in nature
Chief Stix Hemp little cigars have a healing CBD aroma. Smokers say Chief Stix Hemp little cigars have a medical effect. Women who tried Chief…
Have your breath fresh with Blaz Hemp little cigars
Blaz Hemp little cigars are known as remedies, but they have a great taste as well. For a Blaz Hemp little cigars lover, the process…