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As a cigar enthusiast, I pride myself on my vast knowledge and appreciation for all types of cigars. From the bold and full-bodied to the light and creamy, I have tried them all. However, there is a particular type of cigar that often goes overlooked in the cigar community – little cigars.

At first glance, little cigars may seem like a deprived version of their full-sized counterparts. But don’t be fooled by their size, these tiny cylinders pack a flavorful punch that is unique in its own way. In this article, I will take you on a journey of discovery into the world of little cigars and why they deserve a place in every cigar lover’s humidor.

What are Little Cigars?

Little cigars, also known as mini cigars or cigarillos, are small in size, typically around the same size as a cigarette or even smaller. They are made with the same blend of tobacco and natural wrappers as regular-sized cigars, but have a shorter filler. This short filler is what sets little cigars apart from their larger counterparts and gives them a distinct flavor profile.

Little cigars come in a variety of shapes, including straight, tapered, and twisted. They also have different styles, such as filter or unfiltered, and are available in various flavors, including menthol and fruit-infused. Some little cigars even come with a plastic or wood tip for added convenience.

History of Little Cigars

The origins of little cigars can be traced back to the 19th century, when they were first introduced as a cheaper alternative to regular cigars. At the time, little cigars were hand-rolled with leftover tobacco scraps from the larger cigar-making process. They were enjoyed by the working class due to their affordability, and eventually became popular in both the United States and Europe.

In the 20th century, little cigars became more of a novelty product and were often marketed as a “ladies’ cigar” due to their smaller size and perceived femininity. However, with the rise of cigarette smoking in the mid-1900s, little cigars lost their popularity and were relegated to being a niche product.

It wasn’t until the 21st century that little cigars experienced a resurgence in popularity. With the growing trend of premium cigar smoking, little cigars became a more attractive option for cigar enthusiasts looking for a quick smoke or a change of pace from their usual cigars.

Why Little Cigars are Underrated

Little cigars may not be as popular as their larger counterparts, but they certainly have their own unique attributes that make them stand out.

One of the main advantages of little cigars is their affordability. With the rising cost of premium cigars, little cigars are a budget-friendly option that still deliver a satisfying smoking experience. They are also available in smaller packs, making them perfect for those who don’t want to commit to a full box of cigars.

Little cigars are also a great option for those who are short on time. Their smaller size allows for a quick and convenient smoke, making them perfect for a lunch break or a short commute. And because they have a shorter filler, they tend to burn faster than regular cigars.

But perhaps the most underrated aspect of little cigars is their flavor profile. Due to their shorter filler, little cigars tend to have a more intense and concentrated taste. This makes them a favorite among cigar smokers who enjoy a bold and robust smoke. Whether you prefer a rich and creamy flavor or a hint of sweetness, little cigars have something to offer for every palate.

How to Enjoy Little Cigars

While little cigars may be smaller in size, they still require the same care and attention as regular-sized cigars.

First and foremost, like any cigar, it is important to store your little cigars properly. They should be kept in a humidor at a temperature between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 68-72%. This will ensure that your little cigars stay fresh and maintain their flavor.

To properly cut a little cigar, you can use a guillotine cutter or simply bite off the cap with your teeth. Be careful not to cut too much off as it can cause the wrapper to unravel. If you prefer a filter, gently twist and remove it before lighting.

When it comes to lighting, make sure to use a lighter or match specifically designed for cigar use. Regular lighters can add a chemical taste to your smoke, ruining the flavor experience. Light your cigar evenly and take slow, deliberate puffs to ensure an even burn.

Finally, take your time and enjoy the experience. While little cigars may burn faster than regular cigars, it is important not to rush the smoking process. Allow yourself to savor the flavor and enjoy the rich aromas that come with each puff.

In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they certainly have a big impact in the cigar world. With their affordability, convenience, and unique flavor profile, they are a must-try for any cigar lover. So next time you’re looking for something new to add to your cigar lineup, don’t overlook these little gems. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you.