Some manufacturers of tobacco products were taught the elementary things of the handicraft at an early age. So it was with the head behind the Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars, which are linked to the big name Davidoff. It was Zino, the son of Henri Davidoff, who outgrew his father’s tobacco trade and had his own brand produced in the 1960s. Already in his youth he learned how to handle the valuable tobacco, so that his enthusiasm could continue to develop. After all, he produced his own brand in Cuba and the Dominican Republic – Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars.
Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars are one of the four series available today from this great brand. The tobacco that forms the filler is harvested in the Dominican Republic and Peru. This special blend holds some special moments in store for the smoker, regardless of whether you are an inexperienced beginner yourself or whether you have been enjoying rolled tobacco in all its forms for many years. The hand-rolled Zino Platinum Scepter cigars also stand for a very high quality and are rightly considered to be one of the best premium products on the tobacco market.
Zino Platinum Scepter XS little cigars offer great, complex and yet harmonious taste experiences. Exquisite flavors in different strengths are a special surprise for beginners as well as for today’s experienced cigar aficionados. Smokers of the Scepter series enjoy this distinctive taste, paired with a pleasant draft, which has been perfected in this series.
The mixture of the different filler tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Peru is produced in a special processing process, then matured over four years and finally combined with the binder tobacco from Connecticut, USA. This unique blend with a Connecticut-Ecuador wrapper creates a unique, dynamic and consistent taste that gives smokers a wave of new sensations with every puff on a cigar from the Scepter series.
A quality trademark of Zino Platinum is the aroma of the smoke. It is intense, but not aggressive, but spreads a pleasant sweetness. The Scepter series has pleasant properties that ensure a strong taste without unwanted starch for smokers of all kinds. These properties were specially developed with the help of the knowledge of the sensory areas on the palate for bitterness and sweetness.