Premium Cherokee little cigars are the perfect gift for the discerning aficionado or novice cigar smoker. Medium-strength cigars, perfectly balanced with an intense Claro wrapper. Presented in two formats Robusto and Corona. Cherokee little cigars are high quality premium cigars. Handcrafted from whole tobacco leaves sourced from the finest tobacco regions of Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The Premium Corona Cherokee little cigars are medium-strength cigars with almond and cedar aromas and a slight bitterness that quickly transitions to woody-spicy notes and a mild, round taste.
Good aficionados come and order these items in our online store because they find us as their supporters. With us you buy the selected-quality cigars and items that you will admire. Find your cigars easily using the search function, or browse our cigar online shop using the categories in the menu.
Talking about the taste of wood, the taste of tobacco is evaluated. The aroma of Cherokee little cigars will seem to you soft and pleasant, like a breath of fresh air. Connoisseurs change cigars according to mood, lunch menu, habits, and knowledge of different varieties. And they constantly try new things – that’s why they are connoisseurs. They are not attracted only by uninteresting cigars that do not smell of anything and do not have a pronounced personality.
It is important to smoke a cigar properly. Some, following the example of the hero of the series The Sopranos, first dry the cigar by running a lighted match along it. And you also need to smoke a cigar correctly – with feeling, with sense, with arrangement, without inhaling and not pulling the smoke too much. Depending on the format, the cigar is smoked from 10–15 minutes to an hour and a half.
A cigar still remains a luxury item: for some in terms of money, for others – in terms of time. The same applies to the discussed brand. Only they can afford, without hurrying anywhere, to sit, look at the sea and sip the smoke.
This is what we want to give you in our online shop. Great pleasure, first of all. And much more.