With Perdomo little cigars, the Nicaraguan producer Perdomo is growing its stogie reach to incorporate fine, machine-made Perdomo little cigars. The medium-solid Perdomo little cigars…
You can purchase the Dona Flor little cigars in 10-piece packs
Dona Flor little cigars arrangement is minuscule with a length of 75 mm and a distance across of 6.5 mm (ring size under 26). The…
Buena Vista Araperique little cigars ensure a refined, spicy and truly exciting taste experience
A well-made cigarillo in the tried and tested style of its big siblings. Even in the smaller format, the fruity-spicy Buena Vista Araperique little cigars…
The Davidoff little cigars brand stands for the highest quality and enjoyment as a passion
Davidoff little cigars always meet the high standards of quality and taste experience of a real Davidoff. Davidoff has set himself the task of always…
Chazz little cigars really taste with 100% tobacco
How do Chazz little cigars really taste that is produced by using 100% tobacco and 0% trade offs? Phenomenal Sumatra tobacco filled in Ecuador and…
Trading of Handelsgold little cigars is still trading gold
When the first Handelsgold little cigars packaging was implemented in a print shop in Bünde, the founders could not have dreamed that this would become…
Smoking specialists note the prevailing woody tones of Arturo Fuente Little Cigars
The Dominican Arturo Fuente Little Cigars have a very good quality and an exquisite cover from chosen leaves that have experienced all the aging cycles.…
A smooth wonderful smoking joy of Mac Baren little cigars
With the new Mac Baren little cigars, Mac Baren has figured out how to consolidate a smooth wonderful smoking joy with the regular fragrant smells…
Aromatic Filter Independence little cigars
The new Independence little cigars have everything a decent cigarillo needs: fine Sumatra covering outwardly, Virginia and Burley tobacco within, actuated carbon channel, full smell…
Wrangler little cigars are less eccentric, they don’t require humidors
The Wrangler little cigars range is standard: they are full-aroma, light and ultra-light, menthol versions. All these versions of Wrangler little cigars are available in…